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A free way to support our podcast is to leave a five-star rating and review on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or whatever platform you use. Ratings and subscribing help others discover the show. If you “follow” or “subscribe” it will help you see new episodes.
Thanks for listening and helping make this podcast a success!
For detailed instructions on how to leave a rating/review, see below.
Thanks for listening and helping make this podcast a success!
For detailed instructions on how to leave a rating/review, see below.
How to leave a rating/review:
Apple Podcasts
1. Open the MISSIONS LIFE podcast in Apple Podcasts on your IOS device. Find the podcast’s page, either by using this link or searching for it by typing in the name.
(To review on a desktop/laptop, follow these instructions instead). 2. If you are already in the show page, skip to step 4. (Note: The show page is pictured in step 4 and has a white background and lists all the episodes.) If you are in an episode (pictured), tap the three dots in the top right. |
Note: Spotify only has star-ratings, it doesn't allow you to write a review.
1. Open the MISSIONS LIFE podcast in Spotify using your mobile app (not a web or desktop app). Find the podcast’s home page, either by this link or searching for it by typing in the name. If you find yourself on a specific episode, tap the thumbnail picture to reach the show’s home page. 2. Tap "Follow". It should change to say "Following". |
1. Open the MISSIONS LIFE podcast in Overcast on your device. Find the podcast by using this link or searching for it by typing in the name.
2. In each episode, just tap the star at the bottom of the page so it turns orange. There isn't a way to rate the whole podcast on Overcast, just individual episodes. If you can rate a few episodes that would be helpful! 3. Optional: Share episodes on your social media to spread the word.