Do you suffer from back pain?
Years ago I suffered from horrible back pain. At times I couldn’t even travel without being laid up in bed the next day. If that wasn’t enough, I also had excruciating sciatica. Fun stuff. The pain from these was so bad that I came to this realization: If I wanted my future ministry to involve travel, I needed to eliminate back pain.
I was only 30 at the time and wanted to do whatever I could to stay healthy enough to minister for the long haul. However, I wasn’t on track to make that happen. To reach this goal, something needed to change. This blog covers 14 years of self-experimenting. Over the years I have shared this info with many people who have found it helpful. I hope it will help you to live the life you desire and accomplish all God lays on your heart. Like me, many of you may live or travel to locations where you don’t always have access to a chiropractor or other help. This blog will teach you to treat yourself. These are things you can do anywhere, anytime. Even if you do have access to a chiropractor or other help, learning to treat yourself will enable you to travel and not be restricted by back pain. Don’t let back pain control your life. I share my story because it highlights something foundational to overcoming back pain. The myth of Achilles teaches a valuable lesson: true strength is not determined by our strongest areas but by our weakest areas. Where are your weakest areas? This post will show you how to identify and strengthen areas of weakness. Why is improving health important?
Working to improve our health has temporal and eternal ramifications.
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