Our life is like an empty stream, yet one perfectly designed to channel water to far-off places. Only when God’s power fills us can we minister in a way that brings about true spiritual change. We must stay connected to the source, the spring and fountain of life. As soon as we are cut off from the source of water, we run dry. How do we keep from running dry? Worship. Our heart stays filled with God when we stay connected to Him through worship. Unlike other activities, worship fills our soul with joy in God. This joy spills over to others in ministry. WHY DOES WORSHIP MATTER?1. Without worship, your ministry is worthless. Worship matters because it is possible to serve in a way that doesn’t please God! It’s easy to become like the Pharisees who “honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:8, 9). Even if we serve with great zeal and energy, we may not be pleasing to God. |
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